Dear friends,

I have been writing this email all day, but find it agonizing to type
it. I woke this am to an email from ferret-dad David. He said he was
sorry and had done all he could and he lost Winchester this am.
Winchester was my large, soft, cuddly Mckid. We chose each other from
literally hundreds of ferrets the first week they came to Lori's. He
looked so stoic and scared. I brought him home and gave him lots of
food and TLC. He became the sweetest and most loving ferret in the
world. I thank Lori for giving me the chance to show him the love that
people can have and that all people and conditions are not like those
on the farm he came from. He had lots of other ferret to play with and
tubes and boxes and our beds to sleep in and our laps to hold him and
arms to love him. He deserved all the good food and water and treats
and love we could give.

I will be coming home for a visit later this month. Who thought
Winchester wouldnt be there. I was looking forward to seeing him so
much!! I wanted David to bring him to the airport to pick me up. I
guess that wont happen now. I know David did all he could to try to
help a seizing ferret. I have seen and held them--I am glad I didnt
have to see Winchester go through that.

When I got involved with ferrets, David never told me that when they
go to the Bridge, they take our hearts with them. I had to find that
out for myself. He would never have been able to accurately describe
the feeling of utter desolation and pain and heartbreak.

Will one of the Bridge greeters please help Winchester find
Deweezil-head of the Winchester Weezil group and Mr. P and Fluffy who
recently went to the Bridge?? Winchester will have my heart in his
carry sack along with David's and I am sure David sent treats for all
and homemade sleepy sacks and tubes. I know we are left behind to care
for the ones we have now here on earth. We will be looking for those at
the Bridge when our time is finished here. Winchester--I love you and
am honored to have known you. I will miss you with all my heart and

Love and kisses, Sue and the Aussie ferrets

p.s.--Thank you, David for all the love and care you bestowed on my

p.p.s.-Thank you Lori for letting us be able to give Winchester a new
life and lots of love and for rescuing him for us.

[Posted in FML 6260]