Blizzard making his first posthumous donations.

Regarding The First Annual "Blizzard Memorial Fund" Raffle.

So far this Raffle has brought in a significant amount of money, thanks
to Kat Parsons organizing this raffle, and according to Judith White,
Treasurer, Support Our Shelters, "Blizzard will make his first
posthumous contributions to the welfare of neglected and abused
ferrets. We [The Blizzard Memorial Fund] will be giving $500 each to
these two rescues." (The Colorado "Box Ferrets" reported by April at
Totally Ferret, and the NV Ferrets as reported by Linda Soule of Soul
Ferret Rescue, on the FML. NOTE: Linda has already named one of the
rescues "Blizzard."

My wife and I (Blizzard's Mom and Dad) with to thank all who have made
contributions directly through the Fund or through the Raffle.

We would urge all to continue to help out by sending directly to the
vet or giving through SOS. These two rescues are unfortunately going
to need lots more.

Paypal payments to: [log in to unmask]

Raffle ends this Friday March 13th.
$1 for each ticket. 6 tickets for $5.
20 different packages to choose from!

If you prefer just to make a donation to the fund and not participate
in the raffle, please send your Tax-Deductible Donations through PayPal
<> to: [log in to unmask] /

Thank you all!

Mark Sonder, CSEP
Father of Blizzard the ferret
Chief Entertainment Officer
Mark Sonder Productions, Inc.
author, "Event Entertainment and Production" (Wiley 2004)

[Posted in FML 6267]