I haven't posted on this list since I was new to the ferret world, and
Thank you all for helping me get through the baby stages of my two

I have two ferrets both not even a year old yet, and they are my little
brats! :-D Let me elaborate on the term "brats", which I use lovingly
of course. My first ferret Zoey was an only ferret for about one or
two months before I got her a friend. She now has the only "child"
syndrome! I love how she follows me around and looks up at me with
her beautiful eyes just wanting to be held. She does have her issues
though! I think since I babied her so much when she was little, it has
caused her to become obsessed with being carried around. When I open
the door to my room, she immediately wakes up and is at the cage door
throwing a temper tantrum so I will let her out! She tries to destroy
the hammock, and also bites and scratches at the cage door as if there
were a fire in her cage. I don't know how to stop her from doing that!
I ignore her when she is doing that and then when she is calm I will
take her and her cagemate out to play! So now we get to the part where
shes actually out. Well since she was so used to being carried around,
she is always just waiting for me to open the door, she wont run out,
but she will stick her head in the doorway waiting for me to carry her
around the house for an adventure. Now if I don't carry her around,
she leaves me a little suprise right by the door. I never knew ferrets
could get angry at someone and do something like this because they
didn't get their way. At first I thought it couldnt be possible that
she was doing this because of me, but then it happened just about every

My 2nd ferret, Mia, I knew was going to be trouble since the moment I
got her. The petstore called her the "devil" ferret because she was
so hyperactive and liked to cling on to braclets! She was just a tiny
baby at this point, and I couldn't say no to her beautiful face, so of
course I bought her! I thought it was good that she was active because
my Zoey was overweight and needed a friend to encourage her to run
(instead of wanting to be carried everywhere!). So I got through the
rough baby stages with her, and now I know what the petstore meant!
I wouldn't call her the devil, I would definately call her trouble
though! The word "ferret-proof" does not apply in her case. She is the
most persistant ferret I have ever seen in getting to where she needs
to be! I love bringing new people around her because she likes to
"test" them. I only bring people that aren't afraid of ferrets around
her because she takes the fear and plays with it! At first its more of
a "who are you" type thing, but then I see behaviors in which she has
never done with me! Trying to De-sock people, pulling at belt loops
when guests are sitting on the floor, just little things like that I
find so funny because I love to see how she reacts with each different
person, its always different. She's different than zoey when I open the
door to leave the room for a minute, instead of standing by the doorway
she bolts out the door like she is on a mission! I do from time to time
let my two ferrets run around the upstairs of my house but theres too
many things up here they can steal from different rooms so its always

This post was not to complain about my ferrets, it was merely to post
about all their mischief! They do have very good qualities also. I have
never seen so much personality in two small creatures! I love the fact
that they like items you can find around the house more than toys you
can buy in the store! The one thing I wish I could change though was
potty training them! they seem to hate the litter box outside the cage
and will go to the bathroom right next to it! I just wish there was a
good solid way to potty train them outside the cage...

I applaud everyone of you who has more than 2 of these "brats"!!! They
are amazing animals!

Zoey & Mia

[Posted in FML 6259]