Ok, Kraft Bagel things have an ad with a woman having a ferret pouch
with a ferret in it during her ride on an elevator. The ferret makes a
horrible noise that is not at all what a ferret sounds like but just
the same is a good ad where it does not present the ferret in a bad way
by an means nor does harm by treating the animal in a less than harmful

Have had Pester and Peekaboo out in the puter room with me. Peekaboo
keeps coming to me where she wants to curl up in my arms which makes
typing very hard. But then Pester saw that and now she wants equal
time! But Pester will not sit still if an instant. She will climb up
to my shoulder to claw in my hair or try to jump to some other place
she is not welcome to be on/in.

The mail came so I had Peekaboo in my arms and took her outside with
me. She stayed in my arms very quietly and was very happy for the
'ride' to no where. She has no idea where she is but her sniffer works
quite well so she knew she was outside

They have been in the cage allot lately where their outside play room
is too cold for them. I wish I had a movie of Pester racing around
dancing on her claw tips, hoping and jumping around racing from one
object to another. Lots of fun. She is a ball of fire for sure. Glad
to have them. Pester will 'kiss' me over and over until I remove me
from her. How can you help but love them!!!

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia  23111

[Posted in FML 6257]