Perspective can be a strange and wonderful thing. For the opposite of
James Bond, try this one.

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a classic fable and a story from The Jungle Book
written in 1894 by Joseph Rudyard Kipling. This is a story about a
mongoose and a snake and was made into an animated show in 1975 by
Chuck Jones. One of my favorite stories as a child. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi,"
as a children's story, exemplifies courage. Not familiar with it? Check
out It is shown in 3 parts. How
much like a ferret is Rikki Tikki in this story? How much does it
capture a child's imagination? Doesn't it make you want one? I know I
did. Of course my parents said no, like responsible parents should. In
a way I got my wish albeit several years later. I got ferrets! (Forget
the snakes)

Media doesn't always have to have a negative connotation, although it
does do a great job of skewing reality. Especially since the mongoose
is related to the feline rather than mustelidae and depending on the
species, doesn't necessarily look much like a ferret at all. By the
way, most species of mongoose - including the related meerkat- are
classified as threatened. I don't know about the ones in Hawaii, as
that situation is much like grey squirrels in England or the ferrets
in Australia. Sure are cute though!

Bonnie and the Col Biz

[Posted in FML 6256]