It was a lovely night at de Bridge. SaraFerret was very tired so she
and de kits went to bed early that night. She was almost asleep when
she heard a knock at her cottage door which could mean only one thing.
She got up and opened de door and saw Mimi, de little girl courier,
with a note in her paw.

"SaraFerret, I know you were asleep, cause your lights were out. But
this ferret is crossing the Bridge and there is a special request for
you to greet him. Is there anything you want me to do?'

She handed me de note and I read it and sent her to fetch de requested
one and I headed for de entrance.

I was just in time to see a half naked dark sable fuzzy trying so hard
to make his way across-and mercy he was having such a difficult time.
I re-read de note. HMMM. I crept towards him and put out my paw and
said, "Here, hold on to me cause I can see dat you are having a bit of
a time." Finally he made it to de entrance. I introduced myself to him
and said, "I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de
Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no
more pain or suffering. You will have lotsa friends and run on green
grass forever. Did I mention all de fun and games you will have?"

POOF! De little fuzzy could see and his fur was again de long dark
sable it had been when he was feeling good. He looked at me and said:

"Now how did that happen? One minute I couldn't hardly see and now I
can. But oh well anyway, my name is Artemus, but Mommy always called me
Arte. Do you know my Mommy Kristy? She said that I have a friend named
Tweekers here. I don't know Tweekers, so how am I gonna know him. Its
all so confusing. Do I have to have anymore needles here? I really
don't like those things, but Mommy said they were needed so I went
along with her. Do you have Rice Krispies Bars here? I don't see anyone
here but you so are you sure I will have others to play with here."

"Well. Arte," I replied. "A lot of amazing things happen here. I don't
know your Mommy personally but I have heard of her. Trust me you will
see your friend later. There are no needles here. I know that you have
lots of questions and this is the right place to ask them. But you will
have no more pain or suffering here. You will have Rice Krispies bars
here if that is what you want. And you will have lotsa others to play
with and I tell you what--do you see these wings on my shoulders--you
will get your very own pair of these."

Arte looked at me kinda funny-like and then asked, "Uh why would I need
those wings for? I don't mean to be rude but they look kinda goofy."

I started to laugh and then I answered "Arte these wings are great for
flying about de heavens with--sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud."

He just said, "Oh!"

So off we went down de garden path where we met a fuzzy with a sign
that read: "I'M TWEEK--WELCOME ARTE." So all continued on down de path
to de Wing House where de wings were stored. We opened de door and on
de counter was a big box (of course). He opened de box and took out de
wings--Silver with black streaks. I helped him put on his wings and
Tweek adjusted his halo. Den he ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed
at his reflection. Den he turned to me and said "Gee I wish Mommy could
see me now." Den I gots an idea.

So off we went down de road to de Misting Pond. We sat down beside de
cool clear water and with one swish we saw a vision of Mommy Kristy
appear. Arte started waving and dooking with all of his might.

"Mommy, I love you so much. Thank you for taking me home. Thank you
for loving me. I found Tweek. I don't hurt anymore. I have wings now
and I can fly. I promise to visit you one day in your dreams."

Den he started to thrown hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with all of
his love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
your house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed
dere. And with another swish de vision was gone.

We stayed for a while there as a decision had to be made--where would
Arte stay. Den Tweek had an idea. "Arte, why don't you come over to Kit
and Kaboodle and work with me and help with de kits? There are lots of
sizes and plenty of fun. And if you want to play with the others why we
can just go out and visit with the other groups."

Arte looked at me and I just shrugged and said it was up to him and
might be de best thing at least until more of his group arrived. So off
we headed to de Kit House where we were welcomed by Auntie Mary Ferret
and open paws. Tears glistened in Arte's eyes as he knew he was now
home--he had Tweek and he had friends with him and wowsie! lots of kits
to run and play with. I gave both of dem a big hug and headed for home.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6253]