Put your right paw in.
You put your right paw out.
You put your right paw in, and ya shake it all about.
You do the ferret food fight and you turn yourself around,
that's what its all about!
YOYO!!! Stop throwing food. This is about collecting food, not throwing
it all around the room. :::eyeroll:::
Ya just can't teach these youngins anything.

Look Dude, ferret food is all about eating, not tossing. Sometimes
ferret food is about giving too. Like right now Mz, Izzy and Totally
Ferret are having a fund raiser to raise food for SOS to donate to
needy shelters. That's food to eat dude, NOT TOSS!
All people have to do is send Mz.Isabella Gucci Jones, a Valentine's
Day card. They can send a ecard to: [log in to unmask]
Or a snail mail card to:
Mz Isabella Gucci Jones 
3001 Industrial Lane #4
Broomfield, CO   90020
For every card that Izzy gets, Totally Ferret will donate 1 lb. of food
to SOS for needy shelters everywhere. That's one card for every ferret
in the house. But only 1 card per ferret.

Already Mz Izzy has gotten 110 cards. Can you believe that?

Wow Tonks, everyone must really love dat Izzy. Can I send her a card

Yes Yoyo, you can. But you have to send it before February 16, 2009

Tonks & Yoyo

[Posted in FML 6233]