Oh it was such a lovely day at de Bridge and SaraFerret was running
with her kits and having such a good time. All of a sudden she heard
de flutter of wings and she looked up to see a little paper airplane
fluttering its way down to her. One of de kits ran over to pick it up
to bring it over to her and she quickly read it and said.

"Hmm, no courier, just a fly-by now. I must hurry as a fuzzy is getting
ready to cross de bridge. Isabel and Serena, will you go fetch de
fuzzies and get dem at de right places as I must go to meet dis new
one now."

So off I headed for de entrance. I was just in time to meet him. So I
quickly introduced myself.

"Hi I am SaraFerret an I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Here you will have no more pain or suffering and you will run
on green grass forever."

De fuzzy was holding tight to a post at de entrance as if it was his
last hold to earth. But den he finally spoke up and said, "My name is
Harry and I am very afraid of this place. I don't know anyone here. I
don't feel so good and I really wanna go back home. Who will I play
with here?" One little tear slowly slid down his cheek.

I reached out my paw and patted him on his shoulder and comforted him,
"Harry, you will get to know lotsa new friends here. Why, even I was a
first ferret long ago. Yes, I was scared too, but I gots over it real
fast. As for your hurts, POOF!, now don't you feel better."

And all of a sudden it seemed as tho he felt great; he stretched his
body; let go of de post; and looked at his fur, and said, "You was
right. I do feel lots better. Do you happen to know anyone that I
know, like Aussie Mum or Mum Michelle, and where is Sofi?"

"Well," I replied. "I have heard of your Mum Michelle from her other
fuzzies. But Sofi is still on earth with her Mum and hasn't yet
arrived, so you will have to make new friends which shouldn't be
hard for you because you is such a handsome fuzzy."

He blushed at dat remark.

Den all of a sudden from behind some bushes, Chrony (one of Mum
Michelle's NZ fuzzies) popped out and said, "Hi Harry, how ya doing.
Nice to meet you." And he ran over to Harry to greet him as only
fuzzies can. "Guess what Harry, you see these things on my shoulders,
these are wings. And you are gonna get your very own pair and by golly
we all are gonna be able to fly from cloud to cloud, sure beats that
crazy cloud-jumping. I is one of Mum's fuzzies from NZ so that is how
I knows you."

Well Harry brightened up a whole lot. So we three headed down de road
to de Wing House where de wings was stored. We opened de door and on de
counter was a big box (of course). Harry opened de box and took out de
wings--Bright green with black streaks. I helped him put on his wings
and Chrony adjusted his halo. Den he ran to de big vanity mirror and
gazed at his reflection and saw for de first time what a handsome fuzzy
he was. Den he turned to me and said, "Gee I wish my Mums could see me
now." Den I gots an idea.

So we went out de door and down de road to de Misting Pond. We sat down
beside de cool clear water and with one swish he saw a vision of Mum
Michelle and Sofi appear and den he saw Aussie Mum. He got so excited
started waving and dooking with all of his might.

"Oh I love you so much. Thanks for loving me. I didn't really want to
leave so soon, but my time there was over and I have met a new friend
and I guess there are more NZ's here. I got wings now so I will be able
to fly and I don't hurt anymore."

So he started to dook a song dat he knew would be so dear to Aussie
Mum. "Waltzing Matilda". After he finished, he began to to throw hugs,
kisses, and promises to visit one day in their dreams, folded de song
into it, and wrapped it with all of his love and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and soon-oh so very soon,
you should be receiving it. And with another swish de vision was gone.

As we left dere, we were met by a large group of NZ fuzzies carrying a
banner, "Welcome to de bridge, Harry." "How did they every know I was
coming?" he asked. Chrony replied, "Oh we have our ways. I gave Harry
a hug and sent him off with his new friends. He no longer needed me to
comfort him as he had his new friends. I could tell he really fit right
it, as I knew he would.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,

[Posted in FML 6250]