Hello FML family,

First we want to thank everyone for donating toward the raffle.
A lot of people helped with donating items and money and we are
very grateful for your participation. The winners are:

#1 Crystal Hathaway
#2 Debbie Osborne 
#3 Debra Velie
#4 Brad Whited 
#5 Erica Hohing 
#6 Debra Velie
#7 Robin Ferrets First
#10 Laurie Schubert
#11 Bonnie Tormohlen
#12 Nancy S
#13 Crystal Hathaway
#14 Blaire Van Hecke
#15 Robin Ferrets First
#16 Dara Thompson

If you donated via paypal please make sure you get with me if your
address is incorrect on the paypal info. Thank you all again for your

Much gratitude,
Ferret Dreamers Rescue Haven

[Posted in FML 6250]