As most of you know by now, I am living in Australia. We built an
outdoor habitat in a sheltered place gouing outside a backdoor which is
never used. It is 16x14ft. 3 ferrets live there. But, they come in to
be with us at least 2-3 times a day for 3 hours at a time. By the, they
are usually sound asleep. They have a large tub of fresh water to swim
in--which they don't. They get raw meat and kibble--EVO is all I can
get here.

They get a fan when it gets warm. They get a wonderful breeze most
days. The shelter is enclosed on 3 sides and on top, so it never gets
wet. The fron barrier has large holes cut into it with screening over
them. Yes, Thyme climbs the screening, but can not get over the top.
He used to until we put a lip on the top of the barrier. It was kind
of strange to see him coming through the living room, knowing he was
outside in the ferret apartment. They thrive out there. WE will pick
them up for a cuddle during the day when we are outside.

My other comment is--I worked in a hospital for over 30 years and have
seen the symptoms of flu, URI, and colds change. Every year for about
4 months, we, as respiratory therapists, swabbed for flu on all aged
people. ( there was an incident in a nearby hospital where a cardiac
patient dies because a flu patient was put in the same room). What I am
geeting at is--the lines among these 3 ailments' symtoms have blurred
mostly becaus we ask the doctor for antibiotics for everything and
because people do not finish the course of the antibiotics and as a
result, the bugs mutate and change the face of the ailment.

Looking forward to Autumn,
Sue, Thyme, Bailey, Missy

[Posted in FML 6248]