Well, they are still here doing the same ole stuff. I look at the 'J'
feeder every day to be sure it has kibble in it. It had a little in it
yesterday so I let them clean it out before I take it out to wash and
then refill it. This morning it was totally empty, not even the fumes
left in it so I cleaned it, returned it to the cage and filled it.
Pester-Doodle instantly came by to chow down. Guess she was hungry.
Peekaboo went for the door on level 5 where she begs for some TLC which
she got and then went to the feeder to shove kibble into her head.

Peekaboo is like a new born baby bird in how she eats. Many times her
own weight every day. Her weight has more than doubled since I got
her. She does well as blind and deaf as she is but she has some way of
knowing when I come to the room. She will go to that door every time
and pace back and forth waiting for me to play with her a bit. Pester
does about the same. They have become very friendly and simply love
any attention I will give them.

Spring is on the door step down here so I have begun new training for
them. I will train them to not shed. Is like my dog, I had trained him
to not eat. Could wave a steak or even a cat in front of him but he
would refuse it. Took a bit but finally got him trained, then he died.
Maybe I will have better luck with the ferrets in the shedding routine.

Gordon, Peekaboo (Tankerbell) and Pester

Rev. J Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia  23111

[Posted in FML 6246]