:: Alaskan residents are thrilled to see that the Northern lights have
made an appearance. Renee might not be bad to have around after all!!
She brought with her a wonder of the world. But alas, no, its just too
good to be true. The "lights" begin to act erratically ... strangely.
Dissapointment fills the air as it becomes clear that the "lights" are
just a reflection of some wispy smoke in the sky. And its now swirling
around becoming more and more organized. Until finally it all seems to
implode with a great rush as if a vacuum has suddenly been turned on
next to you. Now it's becoming clear as to what is happening. The
coming of the great Ferret Oracle. The legend created by the Ferret
Mailing List long, long ago. A character created by members taking
turns contributing more and more until a real entity was born. And
now she's here. In Alaska. In front of you. Oh happy joy joy::

Hi ferret love slaves! How have you puppets been doing? ::The Oracle
realizes her gum is getting stiff in the cold and shoots it out of her
mouth into the snow:: Freezing I see. And trembling in the presence of
the arrival of Renee Downs. I don't blame you. That 'cano over there is
scary. That 'Nay doesnt' take responsibility for nuthin, so don't take
it personal. AH, I'm just kidding!!! In truth she'll be the first one
to show up and whisk you all away to safety. Through the flaming rock
and ash, she'll be standing in the street ready to access the situation
and spring into action. Let me suggest, however, that you wear some
sort of fur on that day. Cover your bodies and faces as much as
possible. Perhaps you should slouch over, lumber your stride a bit,
and .... grunt as well. Because I hate to tell ya, anything furred,
feathered, or scaled will be the first to be rescued by this lady.

::Feeling the chill, the Oracle pulls her robe in closer to her. She
hears some rumbling and feels the shaking of the ground and turns her
head towards the looming Mt. Redoubt, then back to you.::

What? ::She puts her hand to her ear, and strains to hear you ::What,
I cant hear you. I"m all the way next to Russia "doncha know". ::She
rolls her eyes in sarcasm:: Oh you want to see! You want to see when
this mother finally blows it's top. Gotcha.

::The Oracle dances around in circles and chants, "boo-ya-ya-ya-ya,
boo-ya-ya-ya", slams her staff into the snow, and the snow swirls and
rises into the air. An image appears before you ... it is Mt. Redoubt,

There ya go ferret love puppets. Now what do we do? I need the help of 
an old nemesis, er chum ... The Ferret Charmer.


Out of the sky with a boom and a bang come a blue 96 Chevy with charms
hanging all over it. What's this? Somthing new? The Ferret Mobile has
skis on it now.

"Look out below, here we come" ::::sliddddddddddddde & thud:::: "Wow,
that was some crazy landing, Charms"

"Who Weeee, wasn't that a hoot Hoops? wanna do it again? Now where is
that Oracle? I new she would need me at some point. What's the problem
here sis? Hurricane Renee has turned into Renee the volcano? I can't
get past her post where she says she has sub zero boobs. Don't they
have fur bras in Alaska?"

"Umm Charms, I think Renee said she has sub-zero boots, that makes
more sense."

" AHAAAA :::slapping knee::: so it does, so it does, But ya have to
admit, my version is funnier."

"So tell me Oracle, how can I help

[Posted in FML 6240]