Hi all!!! I too agree that NO ONE has the right to judge someone on
their choice of purchase vs. adoption. Before I knew about ferrets,
and the FML - I purchased two from a pet store. The same pet store that
now contacts me regularly, if they have a surrender, and believe me,
they get alot of em. I wasn't "ferret smart" in the beginning, and
I've relied on advice on this list - to become a good "hooman" for
my fuzzies. I wouldn't trade ANY of my "store bought fuzzies for the
world! If I hadn't been there, to purchase ferrets - then the Petco
where I went, would never know about me - and the surrender's would
have been "returned" to Marshalls, and we all know what happens then.
I've very successfully adopted out several of Petco's "returns", and
I wouldn't trade that experience for the world either. So - I guess
what I am saying is - "People, can't we all play nice"? Quit slamming
someone for their choice of "where" they get their fuzzies. You never
know how helpful to the fuzzies, and maybe future fuzzies, that need
homes, YOU may be.

Smelly ferrets:

This one I absolutely LOVE! We discovered by trial and error - that
the absolute BEST way to keep the fuzzy smell down, is to use Head and
Shoulders - the "original" scent. We use this on our kidlets, and have
found they stay "stink" free, for several days. We wash the bedding at
the same time the fuzzies are getting their baths, so that helps even
more!! We tried the "cheap" ferret shampoo's from the pet stores, and
found they worked for only a couple days. Wouldn't recommend them to
anyone. Head and Shoulders also has some moisturizers that keep the
fuzzies skin from becoming irritated. On their bedding we use Tide
with Bleach - and a healthy shot of Downy, for good measure. And that
is how WE roll!!!

Kim and Her Army of Idiots.

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what
I want.....

[Posted in FML 6240]