Hello FML family,
I write this with the heaviest of hearts and the best intentions
possible. I cannot believe I'm at the computer or doing anything
other than resting. As a rescue we have been at this work for 1yr.
The illness & diseases that have come through here well, we've
definitely had a crash course. I surly can't believe I'll even start
this conversation so to speak - up. Let me just say in advance that we
have a great support system of other rescues. Here where we live as
well as other states. I cannot stress enough about educating yourself
and learning from others and going with your gut instinct. All the
adrenal issues as well as insulinoma and being possibly related to over
vaccination as one component. I am not by any means a doctor but I can
tell you this much I will not opt for our ferrets not to have them. Our
guys permanent residents and personals got 2 rounds this year which was
after a lot of thought. Our animals always get their annuals. But i'm
grateful now that the second round was done. My future decision is
based upon a rescue on thur. Feb.5 he came in supposedly w/ red ears
and ear mites. Upon arrival what this ferret had was dreadful looking
and the most foul smelling odor I have ever smelt. And I'm not kidding
on that at all. If I never smell that smell again it will be to soon.

Beautiful sable mit Kennedy. 3 yrs. old. You always want so badly for
these ferrets to make it but you know in your heart when one comes
through the door that is beyond vet and rescue help. You just do. He
was taken overnight to the vet and then another on Sat. & was put to
sleep for distemper. A beautiful ferret gone because someone somewhere
decided not to get his shots! If you have never seen this I hope you
never do. I will never opt out of vaccinations because I fear adrenal
or insulinoma in the future. What happens if they do not get their
distemper I will not opt. For that ever. Unless ill. Then I'll wait
till vaccine can safely be given. We got pictures another rescues
thought & a good one at that. Tips of ears entirely encrusted along
with paw pads about 4 times the regular size and heavy caking of yellow
to green callused paws. Groin area had black circles around teets and a
swollen red ulcerated groin. Chin rash that looked like black heads all
over. Within 2 days this spread worse over the nose area as well. And
the anus had a black encrusting around the top portion. Temp 105. Heavy
crusting under chin. But no pus from eyes or nose. Ate fine & drank
fine. 2lbs.11ounces. Healthy sized ferret. Pretty ugly scenario right.
One word. Vaccinations. 3 baths did not get the smell off this ferret.
Well he was loved for a few days and then the most humane decision was
made for him. We did not want to see him go through the last stages.
With tears pouring down our face we said goodbye to Kennedy. And alas
he is freed.

Now this seems like we went through this alone but no we did not. Other
rescues were there to answer their phones. As you can believe I was
pretty frantic and I won't say what all else. The support is of great
necessity to keep doing this work. And it also helps when you can make
a phone call rather than knocking someone out for letting it get that
bad before help. Hopefully this will help somehow as everything I kept
searching through was informational but still a little vague as far as
distemper is concerned. And hopefully I've made my point as far as
vaccinations are concerned. If nothing else it's of help to me as
somethings got to hold your faith true.

OH the bio-odor open the bottle and smell it after about a month of
using it & then smell your ferret rooms that's what made my mind up
on that one. It's all trial and experience.


[Posted in FML 6238]