Hi Mary,

I had a similair problem with my Loki (who passed in May due to her
Lymphoma). Due to the Lymphoma, she was full of fluid (at the time of
her death-she had gone from her healthy weight of 1.5 lbs to almost 2
1/2 lbs (all fluid). She actually had "butt cheeks".

We tried different things--to no avail--but, what seemed to work the
best (it helped, but never made the irritation go totally away for 
any extended amount of time) Was a very dilute betadine (to wash the
area--I used a squeeze bottle to make it the least irritating as
possible) then I would air dry as well as possible-pat dry lightly
if I had to and then put animax on it.

I hope this helps--I know how hard it is looking at your baby knowing
he/she is uncomfortable, but not being able to find the right
combination to fix it.

Good luck!
Michele Paulhus

"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the
sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed
only if there is light from within." ~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross~

[Posted in FML 6235]