Hello Everyone,

I can't begin to thank My LORD JESUS for all he has done for me. Today
I went to Pittsburgh to see my Cancer Doctor that did my Stem Cell last
April. He told me that he was so happy to see how good I looked and
that things looked really good.

He said that usually even though you have a stem cell done their still
shows some fraction of a sign of the Myloma but in my case there isn't
even a trace of it.

I was so happy to hear this and I know that all the Praise goes
to JESUS for healing me. I also want to thank all of you for your
thoughts, Prayers and support when I was so sick for without all of you
supporting me and encouraging me I may have given up. I didn't think I
was going to make it through this for there were days that I was so
sick and just wanted it all over even if it meant going home to be with
my Heavenly Father. I guess God decided it just wasn't my time yet and
there is still work for me to do here.

I also want to thank my family for all there love and support and to my
little granddaughter Angel that hovered over me like a little mother
hen. She would lay hands on me and pray for me. She helped me get into
the bathroom and back to my chair again and made sure I had something
to eat and drink when my husband and daughter were out doing papers.

April forth of this year will be a year since I had my stem cell done.
I go back on the 21st to see DR Sahovic for my 1 year check up. At that
time I have to get immunization shots. I forget what all he said that I
would get but I know that I will get a Polo shot, Pneumonia shot, tetna
Shot and there were two more but can't think what they were. Please
continue to keep me in your prayers and keep our shelter in prayer too.
We have taken in 17 ferrets in such a short time. I still have six that
need to be ADV tested and get their shots. One also has to have the
tumor removed from his tail. Also please continue to keep my daughter's
Roo, Roo in your prayers for kidney failure.

Again thank you all for the love support encouragement and prayers that
I received during these last 2 years. I didn't add any pictures to this
because some of the ferret boards do not allow any kind of attachments.

God Bless You All
Hugs Love and Prayers Always

[Posted in FML 6234]