Ok, got to crawl out from my hiding place from all the snow here in
Ohio and put in my 2 cents: I also do not see anything wrong with any
of the steps of ferret kissing, my 3 always give me kisses on my lips,
sometimes I stick out my tongue and "lick" them back, and 1 of my 3
just LOVE it when I open my mouth for him to put his whole head inside
and lick my tongue and inside of my mouth, he seems to want to make
sure I'm not hiding anything in there that he may want. He will even
go as far as pushing my mouth open so he can put his head inside if I
don't open it myself, as in extending an invitation

Crawling back into my igloo for 6 more weeks of winter,

Brenda S.

"A dog or cat steals your heart, but a ferret steals your soul."

[Posted in FML 6234]