It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was resting under de
apple tree beside her cottage when all of a sudden Mimi de little girl
courier flew up beside her with a note in her paw and nudged me awake
and said.

"SaraFerret, I have a message for you to check on a ferret named Sandy
who arrived in June. She belongs to someone named Rich Stephens. But I
don't know if it is from Sandy's mommy or daddy."

So I took de note and went to check de Boss's Big Book of Ferrets to
see where Sandy was located. WOWSIE! Sure have been lotsa fuzzies cross
since den. I finally found when she crossed de bridge and den located
her cottage. So off I went down de path thru de strawberry field and
finally reached it and wouldn't you know it. Dere was a note on de

Dis is gonna be a long trip. So I flew dere--heck with dis walking
thing. Got to de Garage to see some fuzzies gathered around building
something. So I introduced myself saying,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I has dis note. Do any of you know Sandy dat
belongs to Rich Stephens?"

All of dem answered, "We all belong to Rich Stephens but this one is
Sandy." And dey pushed her forward.

"Uh what are you guys building?" I asked.

"Oh, its a ferret-sized semi." Sandy answered. "Its almost ready for
a test drive. Do you want to try it?. I got so used to riding in one
on earth that the guys and I just decided to try and build one here."

"Well, I better pass on de test drive right now. I gots to get dis
message done. So Sandy and all of you can you just come with me?"

So off we flew toward de Misting Pond where we finally landed. Sandy
had on her pink and silver wings once again. She hadn't wanted to get
dem all greasy putting de big rig together. We sat down beside de cool
clear water and saw a vision of Rich Stephens and Sam, Sydney, and
Mareta appear. Sandy got so excited she started waving and dooking
with all of her might.

"Thank you so much for loving me. I love you so much. I miss you. We
are having so much fun. I have wings now and I can fly. I don't have
any pain any more and I have lotsa friends here and I can ride in a
big truck here just like I did with you."

Den she began to throw hugs, kisses, and promises to visit one day
in your dreams and wrapped dem with all of her love and laid dem on
a nearby shooting star and by de time you should read dis it should
have landed at your house. And with another swish de vision was gone.

Den I decided to take dem up on de test run of de big rig so we headed
off to de kibble garage. Yes dat was me, sitting beside dem all going
round de race track very very fast, almost too fast. Frantically
staring out de windshield.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6228]