It appears as if the fml has a new celebrity, Mr Ed. Wow, he sure is
smart! I"m sooooo impressed. He put a whole male in with a female, and
wow! Left the poor dead girl in with him to be eaten up for a couple
of days! OHHHHHHHHHHHH......

It seems Mr. Ed that you really enjoy stirring the pot. And are
enjoying being the "Paris Hilton" of the fml.

Since you are now such a super star, maybe it's time for you to branch
off...... kinda like Whitney Port did when she started "The City" and
left "The Hills". You know, start your own mailing list or web group.
One where you can spread the "gospel according to Ed" and have very
heated debates with those you invite....... Maybe you could use "Dear
Abby" as a guide.... call your splinter group "Dear Mr Ed".

Why is it that you have ferrets, Mr. Ed? Do you consider them members
of your "family" or are they just something you like to experiment
on...... like starving your biters, finding a method for detecting
deafness, and the fun game of "what will happen if my whole male is
caged with this lil female...... oh.... hmmm..... I wonder if he will
eat her....... hmmm.."

And why are you here on the fml? Is it to show all of us how smart and
witty you are? To pick fights with those who share with us scientific
research and shelter the discarded ferrets? To feel superior to others?

hmm. I wonder if you had spend less time posting on the fml and more
time caring for your ferrets, maybe that whole hob wouldn't have killed
that female. Or, maybe, you put here in with him to see what would
happen or how long it would take before she was dead. A smart guy like
you should have know better than that. Really.

Wendy Hamilton
at home with her 7 lil fuzz butt stinkers in Atlanta, GA

[Posted in FML 6225]