I am writing you this letter in hopes to get a few answers to questions
that have burned my mind, my heart. The questions that bring raw tears
to the eyes of every rescuer. Dear Liars, please be honest, or at least
as honest as you can be.

When you walked into that pet store, pet adoption agency and/or pet
rescue, what were you thinking? When that loving animal looked
longingly into your eyes, begging for you to take them home and love
them with all your heart, was that your intention? Did you really plan
to love the creature that needed you or did you purchase/adopt them on
a whim? Was there a well thought out plan or were you planning to only
take one day at a time?

You see Dear Liars, when you planned your move, you forgot about the
promise of love and loyalty to your beloved pet. If you have children,
would you look for housing in an adult only community and toss your
children aside? If your son or daughter developed a disease that
required a little extra love and attention would you dump them off on
someone else? When you found out that you had another child coming,
would you send your first born away? I am sure that for most of you the
answer is no. Why should it be any different for a pet that you
promised to love and take care of? Since when did loving another, be it
human or animal become such a burden? Dear Liars, you are responsible
for the broken hearts of many.

Another thing I would like to bring up, Dear Liars, is the economy. The
economy is hard on everyone. I understand that you need to make some
changes Dear Liars. Some things are just going to have to go. Are you
going to give up your children, Dear Liars, in order to afford that
McDonalds meal? That pack of cigarettes or keg of beer? Instead of
breaking your promise to the helpless animal, why couldn't you give up
those instead? Do you realize, Dear Liars, that rescue people have to
give up a lot of luxuries to care for your "burden"? Do you realize
that rescue people give up their lives, their savings and pieces of
their hearts to care for the animal that you lied to?

Dear Liars, I hope you sleep well at night while your animal suffers
the loss and confusion brought on by the decisions that you made, the
promises that you have broken and the broken hearts that you have
created. And just remember, one day you will need the love and extra
care that you promised to give but failed to deliver. May God be with

*A former rescue

For years I have wanted to ask these questions. I used to run Michigan
Ferret Rescue. My doors were open for 3 1/2 years but the heart break
was too much for me. In the 3 1/2 years that I was open, I took in over
400 ferrets, I heard every excuse that you could possibly hear and then
some. I am bitter. I am bitter at those that chose to dump their pets
instead of working out a way to deliver the love and care that was
promised. I have taken in babies, oldies, sickies and biters. In spite
of the financial strain that was put on my family, the anger I felt
toward those dumping their pets and the distance that was put between
myself and my children, I still cared for those animals. Why? Because I
made a promise when I started rescuing to love and care for them until
they found homes. Not all of them found homes. I still deal daily with
the heartbreak of a sick ferret, I still deal daily with the pain of
knowing that another will pass away soon. These ferrets are the ones
that were dumped due to age, illness, can't afford vet care...yada yada
yada. I can't go into pet stores anymore. I can't keep my mouth shut
when I see a child begging the parents for a pet that will likely end
up in one of our homes. I can't bear to see the young couple purchasing
animals on a whim. I have tried to educate people like that back when I
was active in rescue. I still try to educate, but a lot of times, it
seems to fall upon deaf ears. It is painful, too painful for me.

I feel in my heart of hearts that if you love someone or something
enough that you will find a way. I feel that if you make a promise, you
should honor that no matter what you have to give up. When I closed my
doors, I closed them with 60 ferrets still in residence. The 60 ferrets
I had here were special care ferrets. I chose to care for them until
their day of passing came. That was in 2006. With 60 ferrets here, I
still cared for my family, I attended college full time and still MADE
time for the babies that trusted every aspect of their care to me. I
didn't let them down. I held them in my lap while I studies for
difficult exams, I cleaned and medicated them in the wee hours of the
morning before I left for class. I recruited people to watch over them
while I was at school. I cut back on expenses so I could afford the
needed vet care, the food and other needed supplies.I borrowed money
from loved ones that I am still paying back when I couldn't afford
food, vet bills and such. I supplemented my family time, put vacation
plans on hold (they are still on hold) and cared for my charges. Now, I
have 17 furkids here. I go to college still, work, care for my family
and still care for my ferrets. The point in telling you this isn't just
to pat myself on the back, but to show that life CAN be rearranged.
Sacrifices CAN be made, I know, I have made them and still do. I just
don't understand why we can make those sacrifices but the original
owners wont. There are cases where surrenders were justifiable, but for
every one that can be justified, there are 20 that can't.

This post might tick some of you off. I don't care. This is how I feel,
what I think and I own it.

Lori Blaisdell

[Posted in FML 6224]