You have been running off your mouth as usual, trying to stir up
trouble, get people upset, etc... Don't you ever learn from past
mistakes?? How many times have you been ask to leave the FML? I know
how many times. If we could vote, you would be gone and not allowed
to come back every again. But this is up to BIG, to decide this. I
am getting tired of your dribbles of stupidity and trying to start
a hate war against others.


[Moderator's note: Ed Lipinski has as much right to post here as any
other subscriber. We don't need to agree with him. His postings do
tend to be controversial and on several occasions have "crossed the
line" and have been rejected. Ed knows that a continued pattern of
rejected posts will lead to suspension of posting privileges and I
feel he has been more careful lately. But controversy in and of itself
is not a reason to ban people. If anything if should be encouraged --
or are we all afraid of new ideas?

I'm not defending him, nor do I oppose him, but rather treating him
as any other subscriber. If FMLers wish to vote, the best response
would be to totally ignore him. That method usually works with small
children and I do see certain characteristics in common. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6222]