Well, first of all, any ferret with kidney problems needs EXTRA
water, often about twice (150cc daily was what Hilbert has with
hydronephrosis, if I recall right) the normal amount. Usually that
means IV at first, then later sub-cu combined with oral sources.

Obviously, no raisins. They can cause acute renal failure all by
themselves in ferrets, cats and dogs so there is no reason to
worsen things by providing them if you have been.

Phosphorus levels need to be reduced with chronic kidney failure but
not with acute kidney failure. Ferrets often don't give good warning
when chronic kidney failure is starting so the vet has to determine.
You can do this best by reducing foods high in phosphorous while
keeping enough protein sources that have lower phosphorous levels,
or you can just reduce protein levels.

Omega 3 Fatty acids can be useful, so fish oil (NOTcod liver oil which
is too high in Vitamin D) or flax seed oil can be useful. Remember to
refrigerate both.

The cause and type of kidney failure should be determined and
treatment begun immediately to prevent death, so no time to waste:
vet appointment immediately if you have not already done that, even
if you have to pay an extra emergency fee.

There should be more in the FHL Archives (addy in my sig lines).

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6221]