There is one contaminated facility found. It is in Georgia and makes
peanut butter and peanut paste for use in institutions (not home peanut
butter jars) and in the making elsewhere of other items that contain
peanuts. There IS a general mention of the products being sent to a
North Carolina facility which makes pet treats in

Yes, until more has been announced it may be best to avoid giving those
pet treats with peanut in them. Right now the places are still being
tracked down, both in the U.S. and outside it. According to news brand
name peanut butters do not have material from that source so are safe.

Peanut butter isn't exactly a ferret-healthy item, but some people do
give certain meds -- preferably only after the pharmacist or vet has
confirmed that med may be given that way -- in smooth peanut butter.
Do be sure to never let ferrets have any peanut product with pieces of
the peanuts in them since those could cause blockages.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6220]