Wow! Yesterday at the Super Supplement store I started talking to a
very nice 60ish year old woman as we were both looking for Melatonin...
Jerry and I take it for sleep plus we give it to Baby ferret for
adrenal symptoms with great success. She told me something I found
very interesting. She is going to a specialist in ageing who is also
a medical Doctor.. He told her to only buy the vegetarian melatonin.
She told me most Melatonin is made up of cows brains and glands and
to prevent any chance of mad cow disease stick with the vegetarian
sources. Having never heard that before I googled melatonin and mad
cow and found many interesting articles on just that. It seems to still
be up in the air as to what is true. However, it has been a concern
that even Ralph Nader has researched. (haha)

Since there are no regulations on supplements it seems that alot of
the Melatonin ingredients are coming from countries that do indeed
deal with mad cow disease. So to those of you this may have sparked
a question in your brain, I suggest you research it yourself. It did
provide an interesting search and I have chosen to change to the
vegetarian in our house. I know the chances of us or our ferrets
getting mad cow from Melatonin is most likely near impossible, it's
the "near" part I don't like (my neighbor was hit by lightening and
another was on the recent plane that went down in the Hudson;)

Just a note, the vegetarian was sold out....there was lots of Melatonin
with ingredients from other unknown sources but all of the vegetarian
sources were gone. The sales person had heard of this and also
recommended the vegetarian... Hmmmm..... Please don't jump on me for
this it is strictly FYI.... ;)-

With love!

[Posted in FML 6219]