Ahh yes...the kibble all over the place ferret

Beavus was a rescue. There had apparently been a Butt Head. He empties
the water bowls by doing heaven knows what. I have free roam. I put
rugs beneath the water and food bowl. Do an awful lot of washing rugs.

But he digs out the food bowls also, though he can hear. He is such
an affectionate guy. And a handsome sweet heart.

I don't believe I ever had one that did this before. I change all the
water bowls at least twice a day, and have them in every room.

Thankfully, they all get soup twice a day, and drink it up heartily. So
I know they are all getting liquid that way. I make a point of seeing
each one drinking up. If not for that...I would be much more concerned
about my messy handsome Beavus.

He is kind of like that hubby who watches the foot ball games with
the pizza and beer and nuts and popcorn, and as he is yelling and
encouraging the game players on TV, he leaves a bloody mess all over
table, couch, and floor.

I consider myself lucky.

[Posted in FML 6218]