>I've purchased 1 jar of Gerber's 2nd stage chicken baby food for my
>ferrets for when they eventually become ill. I haven't given it to
>them yet because it contains corn starch as the last ingredient. Even
>though it's vet recommended, since ferrets are obligate carnivores,
>is it really wise to be feeding them this food which contains a form
>of grain?"

Hi, I only use the 1st stage/infant food, nothing above that. just the
plain chicken, turkey, or lamb. They will be labeled as "with gravy"
and that is fine. And I do Not feed them any baby foods with rice,
fruit, or vegetables. I use gerber, dole, and beech-nut brands.

Before feeding, I heat them up in a bowl or plate in my microwave for
about 5 seconds, or until just warm to the touch, so my fuzzies dont
burn their tongues.
NOte: *Do Not heat the glass jars/bottles in the microwave, they can
shatter or crack, and possibly contaminate the food with glass.

Since gerber and dole are more like pudding/gravy, I mix in the beech
nut brand to firm it up a little bit, as beech nut brand is more like
ground up meat than gravy - you will see what the difference is if you
buy some. I usually mix 1 of the dole or gerber with 1 beech nut. I
buy the small glass jars/bottles/what ever you call them.

I have also ground up their dry food to a near powder form and mixed
it with the baby food from time to time, just enough to give it some
consistency if needed.


[Posted in FML 6210]