God bless each and every ferrret who has a home and someone to love,
may the new year find more homes for these tiny babies and bless all
who tends to then.

I know we mostly write about our baby crossing the Bridge, but
yesterday my pet Faith was helped with Her crossing, Faith was my
baby. She was a dog and almost 9,she had a tumor on her spleen and it
ruptured. Nothing could be done. I got her when my hubby passes away
in 99, I got Faith 3-1-01 that is how she got her name,Faith to keep me
going. and she sure made me happy. My heart is broken. I know all the
pets goes and crosses the bridge,she had on her blue winter cape. I
couldn't be there as I can't leave the house yet. My son Keith was with
her and held her while she crossed,she has a sister there name of Hope
and all of our ferrets she loved to look at.

I was hoping this year would be better then last but now I don't know.

God Bless and Happy New Year to one and all forever in my heart is all
the pets that passed and those that are with us


[Posted in FML 6206]