(This will be short, I do not feel well....worry and stress not good).
And I will reply to msgs rec'd maybe later tonight or hopefully at
least by tomorrow.)

The vet admitted she did not think Tommie was going to survive! His
blood work came back and things indicate he could have lymphoma of
the liver or kidneys or just failure.

I forgot to ask for a copy of his blood results, but will get a copy
and post then. She told me what was off on his blood-work, but I don't
remember, didn't get to write all down and don't know how to spell some
of the things so it's best I wait. But I do remember something with his
phosphorous and liver enzymes were mentioned. His red blood cell is
very low...was 26 yesterday and 28 today.

Tommie has a followup appt next Tues @ 9:40 am.

I realize Tommie's days are probably numbered now, but I am going to
treasure EACH day he is with me. He is the light of my life!! FOR

I want to take a moment to THANK EVERYONE for all the messages and kind
words, prayers, etc and just plain caring. It has been said before but
I want to repeat it.....the ferret community is the BEST people in all
the world. I only hope I am able to serve those who need it in whatever
way possible like I have been treated...emails, advice, etc.


PLEASE KEEP PRAYERS COMING as Tommie still needs them!

Hugs from From ~ Melanie & Tommie

ps...To everyone being copied, please forgive me if I copied you on
this but missed you on the 1st email about Tommie. (if you wish I can
fwd it to you so you know what happened) The reason I am copying you
is because you have in one way or another touched Tommie (hairball
removal) and my life and I thought you would want to be updated about
Tommie. As much as I want, I can't send all separate emails due to my
wrist issue.

"A cat or dog steals your heart, but a ferret steals your soul."

[Posted in FML 6206]