To the Ferret Community,

I would like to tell you all how thankful I am for the wonderful cards,
gifts, emails and donations we have received for our fuzzies, this past

I am truly amazed at the kindness & generosity the ferret community has
shown to our shelter. You should see our little fur kids playing with
all their new toys, & sleeping in their great new bedding. (Of course,
they still have an attraction to boxes with bubble wrap, but this is
just so much better!) The ferrets are dancing with joy. Even some of
the sick ones.

The notes inside these boxes are loving & supportive & kind.. (Thank
you!) Some of the donations have blown me away.

There are many good people out there. Thank you for reminding me of
that. The inherent goodness of the human spirit is still unbreakable,
regardless of what some may say or do.

Love, peace & joy,
Linda and the 24 happy little furry campers
Fuzzy Follies Ferret Shelter & Rescue

[Posted in FML 6205]