Dear Ferret Friends-

I received an email today from Defenders of Wildlife. The Feds are
considering listing the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog as a protected species
(FINALLY!). They are accepting comments from the general public. Since
these prairie dogs are so important to the black footed ferret, please
consider adding your comments. The deadline is February 2. Thanks for
your consideration.

Here is the blurb and the link - you need to hold down the control
button and click on the blue wording. :-) [Not necessarily. BIG]

After decades of decline due to disease, habitat destruction and
poisonings, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is considering protections
for black-tailed prairie dogs. But federal officials need to hear from
you before the February 2nd deadline.

Take action now -- write to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and urge
them to protect black-tailed prairie dogs.


Pat Shaskin

[Posted in FML 6230]