Oh Boy! Oh Boy! More trees and more ferrets added! More to pick to be
santas for! Yeah!

Come on everybody, let's get picking!

I have a special favor to ask, Please please please pick your ferrets
to be santa to right away so they have a very merry christmas. Last
year there were some oldster that left our realm without having a
christmas and some didn't receive their gifts before christmas with
some not receiving their gifts at all so PLEASE pick and send gifts
quickly! Mine are already sent so I'm not asking any more than I'm
willing to do myself.

Don't forget to include a little something for the shelter caretakers

And you can send a whole box of toys or bedding just because you want
to, to any of the shelters, or all if you so choose. ;-)

Thank you in advance to all. tle

[Posted in FML 6172]