The reason that it matters that people know that ferrets don't get
colds is because the respiratory illnesses that they do get: influenza
(the most common one), bacterial sinus infections, etc. are more
serious than colds. Also, ferrets can hide pneumonia really, really
well which is risky. We've had one who had serious pneumonia and
pleurisy who only had a slight cough (but that was so unusual for her,
and she did a thing that she only did when she was ill (gently holding
my big toe in her mouth -- a personal sign of hers that she felt really
bad) that we got her chest x-rayed and her illness was found in time).
So, since people tend to be so casual about colds they need to know to
take respiratory ills in ferrets more seriously than colds, AND that at
times what they think may be a cold or cold- like could be an influenza
to which they have partial resistance or a bacterial sinus infection
(both of which pose risks to ferrets).

This knowledge also helps prevent infection of other ferrets, and
not only with influenza and the other respiratory infections people
automatically think about. One person who got in touch with me
privately about a ferret with "summer cold" this year actually had
an unvaccinated ferret with Canine Distemper when vet care was sought.
She was new to ferrets and had wanted to know if it would be safe for
her to arrange a play group for her ferret.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6173]