The two tyrants are out on the porch tearing up the place in grand
style. They both were very happy to have the 'out' time and Pester in
her normal style was hopping in place over and over on her claw tips.
She is a ball of fire.

Peekaboo is still masquerading as a tank. She continues to fill out in
grand style. I have a towel at the bottom of a door going out to the
porch where in cold days a very cold draft comes into the house and the
towel stops it. Of course Pester found that and had to pull it out to
a heap. So I put big pieces of white oak fire wood on it but Pester
managed to move that humongous hunk of wood out and still clunk up the
towel. When a ferret sets its mind to something it is as good as done.

A beetle came scarring out from a pile of fire wood, and Pester saw
that immediately pouncing on it. Hope it tasted ok where she ate it.
Now if I can get her to stop doing that to pit bulls and german
shepherd dogs. She only eats half of them so I end up with these half
dogs all over the place.

So the two are doing fine. Glad to have them. Good company for sure. I
love to see how they come to the cage door when I get up to go to the
kitchen, have to pass the cage to get there and they are right on their
toes to ambush me. Can't help but stop and play a few seconds with each
of them.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia  23111

[Posted in FML 6197]