*What follows below is part of the post Marilyn Ledoux wrote on
Christmas Eve day.

Her post expresses the fear that pet food plays a major part in the
health, even the life of a pet. This is commercial pet food. Food made
by folks whose primary interest is money first, and, secondly, just
maybe, possibly the health and well being of your Life's Love, your
dear pet.

We humans sometimes fail. We make mistakes that have consequences
beyond our knowledge. Unintended consequences produce death or disease
and those responsible bear little liability for their error. Their
responsibility is equated to a simple statement of apologetic sorrow,
as testified below.

What's done is done and the moving finger of fate has moved on, never
to return nor undo that which has been, no matter how unfair, deadly
and destructive.

We, being people of faith for the most part, need something other than
just plain faith to protect our beloved interests. As the atheist might
say, and as I say, screw faith. Put your trust in a much better venue
than faith, a venue that will protect your pet absolutely like no other
way, the only way, one way and the only one way.

The only one way is YOU.

Today, this Christmas day, Adolf Hitler survived, as portrayed in the
film Valkeryie. Count Von Staufenberg's chest absorbed eight
8-millimeter Mauser bullets from the rifles of a Nazi firing squad as a
result of his failed attempt to kill little Adolf. The Count had faith
that in his absence from proximity to little Adolf that the briefcase
bomb he planted would do the job. It didn't. It was moved inadvertently
by another individual who bumped it with his boot and consequently
moved it to a different place under the table, over which little Adolf
was bending. The moved bomb didn't do the job.

The reason why it didn't is because the YOU was absent. In this case
the YOU was the Count himself. He should've remained with the bomb and
died with Hitler. The Count had faith but no YOU.

NOTE: Al Quaida and the Taliban have both.

Likewise your ferret(s) need not only your faith (for whatever that's
worth?) but more importantly, YOU.

So, you ask, what do you mean by YOU? Ah ha! Good question, Pilgrim.
YOU have to be willing to die for your pet...period.

And with that statement, I shall likely lose 98 percent of you...that
is, unless you are smart and can see what Edward is working towards.

The bare bone of this post is this: YOU must eat exactly the same food
your ferret eats, always. Think about that for a moment. Does this mean
that your should eat ferret chow, commercial kibbled ferret food, etc,
and hope that you don't die before offering the same to your ferret?
Hardly. There is another, a better choice. It's more like your ferret
eats what you normally eat as a healthy human being. YOU and your
ferret eat the same stuff. That same stuff is human food.

I'll close this post now and suggest that you become the YOU in your
ferret's life. You can to prevent ECE and the many diseases and early
demise of ferrets by being essentially a copy of the lifesaver of Adolf
Hitler, his trusted food taster who prevented little Adolf from being
poisoned from his food.

Don't fret over this too much, Pilgrim. You won't have to suck the
pistol muzzle of a 9-millimeter and blow your brains out just because
the Bolsheviks are at your door. But you will have a new and demanding
function in your life with the processes I term micro-miniaturization
and thermal rupturing of cellulose/protein bonds. You will need to
reconstitute your ferret's food in a manner to accommodate his
digestive/assimilative processes which are about 6 times more rapid
than those same processes in your system. Remember: it's your food
too, but in another form for her: warm, odorous and viscous.


>*I called the **company and they said - they were sorry.
>I read the label, the food had been imported from another country and
>then I read in the paper where dogs, cats, other animals had died from
>eating their food. I'm trying hard not to mention names just the idea.
>This is just what I read, observed, and lost. If the ferrets were
>okay, ate, blew up, went down and died, with no trace of virus, could
>it be something they ate?
>Just my thoughts - standing by with buckets of water waiting to be

Y*ou will not be flamed, Marilyn; not from this kid. You are "right-on"

Edward Lipinski, doing his thing from Ferrets North West Foundation in
snow country...well, tomorrow: rain country. Yes Ferret Folk of the
World, we live by these words of a famous Polish philosopher, Professor
Velcro Adhesioninski, who says: "Must we not stick together, Yes?" *

[Posted in FML 6195]