When holding ferret educational events we are often bombarded by people
that do not read our bright orange *please do not touch* signs (4)
hanging on the playpens.

Most adults are very understanding when we hand them the hand
sanitizer, and explain why we ask them to sanitize before petting.

Little kids don't often understand our *they can catch the human flu*
(also printed on our signs), but they do understand *you might be
getting a cold, and the ferrets could get sick if they catch your
cold too*.

I know it's incorrect info.

So, how do you other shelter/rescue/educational folks handle these
situations. Using the term *sick* is understandable to little ones,
better than *a cold*?

Sick how, ear ache, upset tummy?
A *cold* just seems so ... understandable.

I want to tell them about ferrets, not how a cold and flu are not the
same thing.

And while we are on this subject, (me anyway) how do you handle the
occasional *know it all* idiot that barges up, grabs a ferret, then
gets mad when we explain the please do not touch rule.

* I used to have a ferret, my friend has a ferret, I've always wanted
a ferret* seems to be a it's OK if *I* touch.... lady.

For the most part, I find the kids are the *best* at reading the sign,
*hey dad, it says don't touch the ferrets*.


[Posted in FML 6171]