I didn't see anything posted or in the articles about this, but did any
of the ferrets contracting this new illness suffer from any abdominal

A year and a half ago we had something hit us out of the blue which
was also very fast. It hit the younger girls (4 years old) first and
hardest, but very rapidly, it never bothered the old men. At 6pm they
were fine, by 6 am they were gone. One did some initial vomiting, 2 did
not. None of three wanted to eat, all three looked like some one had
put an air hose into them and pumped them full of air about half way
through. That resolved before morning. We managed to save one, still
don't know why or how, all three were treated the same. Post mortem lab
work (they were fine during vet hours, gone before) indicated healthy
ferrets even though they were gone.. It disappeared as fast as it came.
We saw three different vets, no answers and no sign of it since.

The FurpeopleWeyr

[Posted in FML 6191]