First I would like to thank Kris for all his hard work and love for the
fuzzies. It so helps the precious "dookers" and the many shelters that
care for them.

I would like to thank Pat Shaskiu, Kami Voertman, Kelly Morin & Cheryl
Ayars for their Santa Giving packages ...and sure would appreciate your
email address to thank you.

Now, whoever picked Ike is really giving to Brutus. I messed up---gave
Ikes name to Brutus.

Here is the blurb on Brutus:

Yep, I'm the Brutus. However, I'm a lover and a kisser and want
attention all the time. I have developed Insulinoma and am doing ok.
I came to the shelter with 3 cagemates and now only 2 of us share a
cage -- the other 2 passed over the Rainbow Bridge. I'm soooo glad
I came here... I have more buddies to play with, toys, and loving
attention. But we REALLY always need Totally Ferret Active & Baby food,
ferretvite, ferretone, chicken and olive oil would sure be a big help
and we would get our yummy "Dook soup". (*Brutus likes things to hide
in and run thru).

Denise Cummings
Denise's Delightful Dookers Ferret Rescue & Shelter
1810 K St SE Auburn, WA 98002
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Shelter Needs
Ear wash
Preparation H
Triple antibiotic Ointment
PeptoBismol (cherry flavored)
1 ml syringes
HP 95 & 98 Printers Ink
Chew Weasels
Foamy Fries
Totally Ferret Treats
Totally Ferret Active & Baby
Olive oil
Certificates for chicken

Dimitri, Doodles, Lyla, Nina, Percy, Rascal & Rory were picked from the
tree and I sure would appreciate you Santas sending your address and
email address with the "goodies" you send. That way I can thank you
via email and send a "thank you" "snail" mail.

This year we will be getting the "THANK YOU's" out later than usual due
to my husband passing away before Thanksgiving. So much paperwork to do
and then running the shelter of 124 precious fuzzies.(I got a cold the
day after my husbands memorial service and it got worse and ended up
with bronchitis..whew!! It is taking a little longer to get well..
ugh..) I thank you ahead of time for your patience and understanding.

I also want to thank so many of you that sent the most wonderful and
precious emails of encouragement during the rough patch of losing my
best friend & husband of 36 years (we knew each other 41yrs). They were
sooooooooo encouraging and I felt each and every one of your hearts
reaching out to me. Again, I LOVE the ferret community. (Background
info: My husband, Michael, had congestive heart failure (due to an
accident), diabetes, was an amputee (due to an accident) and we found
out 6 mths ago that he had been having TIA's (mini strokes) for about
10 years and we didn't know it. November 12, he suffered cardiac
arrest and a massive stroke at the same time at our home. He lived
for a week in the hospital when he passed away, Nov. 20th. We had his
"celebration" memorial service Dec. 6th...what a special time that
was with all of our friends and family in attendance.)

Michael is not hurting anymore and I know he is singing in the choir,
loving on the fuzzies that are already up there and sitting at the
feet of Jesus just soaking it all up. Yes, I miss him terribly...but
I mourn only for myself. He's in a much better place.

Have a 'ferret' day.
253-797-9115 Shelter Phone
Paypal ([log in to unmask])

[Posted in FML 6187]