At least that's true for our latest three who were just recently
turned in.

This is Susie Lee in, with and for The Ferret & Dove Sanctuary in
Pensacola, Florida appealing to the more experienced, brave and
space-available among you who may be able to adopt two (the gentler
two) or all three of these special-needs ferrets. The first one seems
to mostly "need" special and understanding handling...

These three ferrets should only be adopted by a person or persons
who are nearly experts in ferret care... their names are; Snapatcha
Snowball,about 4 to 5 years old, an albino female who bit her last
handler-owners notoriously, Carlos CoolSable, a male between 2 to 3
years old, has adrenal-onset hair loss at the base of his tail, and
Carlina Cutie,also 2 to 3 years old, a dark silver female with sparing
hair loss around her neck which for either she or Carlos could be
EITHER stress related or adrenal-disease-onset. They certainly show us
old shelter folks their better sides, but with Snapatcha Snowball's
history, we can only adopt these three to Very Experienced ferret

Their pictures are posted on our Petfinder Pet List scroller under the
name "Carlina, Carlos, Snowy"...see them JUST IN, and then being held
for their first biting of us elderly old shelter-folks, but
then, we Do understand! :)

So their first romp around our house they were skippity-hopping all
over the place, kind of acting happy! 'Guess there's no place like a
shelter for the Holidays for Some non-human folks...

anyway, look them up on the pet list scrollers at these two sites...

[Posted in FML 6184]