I would like to express a heart felt THANK YOU to the wonderful and
supportive people that sent the special cards. It was quite a warm
hearted feeling to know that people still think of us here. In 2006,
we decided to no longer take in ferrets unless it was an emergency,
instead we diverted them to other shelters. The sick and elderly
ferrets have stayed in my care as I made a promise to them when they
entered my doors, to love and care for them until they either went to
a new home or passed away. When our doors closed, well, actually, they
have always been open a crack :) we had 60 charges in our care. The
vast majority of those kids were either quite old or terminal. I now
have 19 kids in my care. It has been a painful couple of years, but
as always, the ferret community has shown through like sunshine on a
cloudy day. I know, it sounds corny, but it truley is like that. Thank
you. It brought tears to my eyes when I read each and every card. It
truley is a blessing to be a part of such a wonderful community as the
ferret community.

Lora Blaisdell
(FKA) Michigan Ferret Rescue inc.

[Posted in FML 6171]