Sukie, I was waiting for you to whip your long hair back, grab the
nearest object that was in the shape of a mic, and shout, "All
abooooooooooooooard...." I was expecting to hear the Randy Rhodes'
guitar rift from Crazy Train to emanate down from the heavens above. I
kept a close eye on you the entire weekend. Waiting. What a tease you
are, what a tease. I never did get my little concert. I think I did
hear a choir of Angels echo from above when April Bigolename presented
her engagment ring to me from Big Daddy Travis L. But, no way could
that compare to what I was hoping for from you.

Ozzie was gorgeous in his day, and I think he's good looking now
(minus the aging due to the abuse his body has endured over the
years). Although Ozzie boy had gorgeous hair once, he never sported
the most awesome sneaks that you now do, I must admit. I really think
you ought to look into the most excellent purple shades he wears so
often however. I think they'd look smashing on you. Just smashing!

It's not for us to say whether you have some sort of resemblance to or
the mannerisms of the rock legend. We can let everyone else decide.
The DVD's are done and I'm getting ready to send them out to Sharon
Beardon who hopefully can figure a way to duplicate them economically
for people. You will be able to decide for yourselves if Sukie tucks
her hair behind her ears in the same stylish manner that Ozzie does,
or if I have lost my ever loving Woofy mind soon enough.

ps, vote for me loosing my mind, save a bat ...

Sean and Rocky,
Experience the love:

[Aikidoferret, go check it out and see 
why Sean is one his biggest fans:]

[Posted in FML 6178]