It IS the Season!

Our first Santa box arrived for the hospice ferrets in Kittery. That
is the largest of the 6 locations housing Ferret Wise permanent care
ferrets. Thank you Santa. At Maurice's house little Casper one of 2
Carolina ferrets that arrived in August 2005 along with a sibling with
spinal injury and passed 6 mos. ago) has developed a thrombosis in his
spine and has lost the use of his rear legs. The vet is carefully
evaluating his heart and while a little feeling has returned in one
back leg , he won't be walking again. If anyone has a cart to loan for
Casper we would surely appreciate it. The box arrived just in time for
me to give it to hospice Dad Maurice when he popped over on Saturday.

Our other hospice folks are waiting for their ferrets Santa's to arrive
and I will make sure they get them before the Holiday no matter what.
The education team here did not make it to the tree yet... but they
will hardly know the difference... they are so elated that Dad is
here to play with them in the day.. everyday is a Holiday for them.

Thanks to the Dozen ferret friends, (some new faces!) who gathered for
our annual Yankee Swap & social. Several folks were not able to make it
but we had a great time to catch up to chat and rekindle relationships.
We are even thinking about holding a fun day social & pot luck in the
summer.... time will tell -- first Shelter Dad needs to get back to

Happy Holidays to all.

Alicia, shelter Mom

[Posted in FML 6177]