If one magic tear was to fall on your face,
then you would be off to a far better place.
No needles , no meds, your family is there
Just one magic tear could take you with care.

But no magic tear can end this for you,
I wish I could keep you, and others do too
But it's time little one, to send you away
Where you will be happy, and there you can play.

I'll go on without you but my heart will break,
I have to resign, no more pain can you take
I  love you Miss Annie and I'll be right here.
Alone in the dark, without one magic tear.

Mommy Loves you.

In the early hours of this morning, as Annie and I slept together on
the couch, she in a sling right next to my heart, so she wouldn't fall.
Face to face, her breath mixing with mine, my Annie slipped very, very
peacefully away. What made me need to sleep with her, on this night i
don't know, but I do know I was as close to her as any mommy could be
when she passed.and Thank you Lord, my Annie did not die alone. She'd
not been doing well yesterday, and she just needed the warmth of our
bodies together, the feeling of my rhymthmic breathing to relax her
and to know that she was loved, so much more than she could ever
comprehend. .. Just a few hours before she passed, I had told her all
about the bridge and telling her that it was okay to go. She left as I
slept as if to spare me the pain of seeing her go. I am relieved for
her. her fight is over, now she can rest. I had taken her on friday for
the mercy shot but Dr parker said that she wasn't ready to go just yet.
NOW I know why, so that we could have our peaceful time together and
she could pass with me holding her paw. Dearest Bridge greeter, could
you please greet My Annie. She is probably very tierd from fighting
insulinoma, and Adrenal gland disease. I saved her from you twice, but
this time, she had to go, she was so ready, and so tierd of fighting.
And oh those meds, how she hated them.

Tell her that Mommy misses her so much already and that I hope she
can visit me once in a while. I'm sure she will be such a wonderful
addition to the land over the bridge. Remind he please, that when she
feels that tickle behind her ear, it's me telling her, mommy loves
you(Just like Chance does)

Thank you Annie for almost 9 1/2 very happy years withyou(except during
the time when I first brough you home, you were the wordst biting
ferret I'd ever known. Remember when we called you, lovingly, ferret
from hell? Those blazing red eyes on that stark white fur.You turned
out to be the sweetest angel. I'm sure you have all of your fur back
now and are the beautiful little girl. Enjoy your fur, and your
strength, and your new life at the bridge. Think of me often at the
viewing pond and as your flying high my baby girl.

Mommy Loves You

             Annie Nanny Goat, Annie Bannani Pyron
               August 1999  -  December 8th 2008
                     Fly high, my angle fert

[Posted in FML 6177]