Hello everyone, I've been a reader for a little while now, but this is
my first time writing. 

First, I voted for " wanna hang out" cutest picture!! And you weren't
kidding about " Gesundheit" WOW! A fuzzbucket if I ever saw one!! haha!
And was wondering if someone could tell me about the christmas card
exchange? I signed up a while back and have not recieved my list of
names to send cards too. Please, if someone could find out some info
for me I would apprieciate it. I've been driving everyone crazy asking
about it. so, if anyone could tell me you can reach me at,
[log in to unmask]

I'm getting antsy pantsy and excited to send cards out! I'm crazy huh?
yeah, but I love to do it!!

And last but not at all least, this is for Fred Hurd. My prayers are
with Nita and you!!! I'm familiar with the devil called "cancer" and I
can understand your anger. Please know you both will be in my prayers
strongly, as well as I'm sure many others as well.

I have to say that I'm not all that experienced with fuzzy's just yet,
I'm a new mommy to my first little girl named "Addie"- 5 months now.
But what she has brought into my life, words can not begin to explain.
She has saved me from soooo much! I call her my therapy life saver!!
She filled such a void in my life. I'm learning as I go and the ferret
people I've met because of her is truely a blessing. I have true
friends again!! I'm forever grateful!! Prayers and thoughts

Darlene & Addie

[Posted in FML 6177]