Happy holidays to all my ferrety friends,

As the year comes to an end and we are surrounded by family and friends
during the holiday season. It's time to remember all our blessings from
the year past. Time to say thank you to all these special people.

Support Our Shelters and the Ferret Charmer are here to help. I have
dug deep into my bag of charms and found some of my pretty Angel
Charms. For a mere $5.00 donation to the person of your choice I will
send a "Your An Angel" thank you card and a pretty Angel Pin to wear as
a reminder, that someone thinks they are special. You can make this an
anonymous or request that a name be signed to the card.

It's easy, we will do it all for you. To order send a check for $5.00
made out to SOS and send it to:
Robin Jones
P.O. Box 924
Glendora, CA 91741

Or pay by Paypal to [log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask]) .
Please add 1.00 processing fee to all Paypal orders. Also, please note
"your an angel" in the comment box. Also include the name and address
of the person you want the charm and card to be send to, and also
include if you want this to be an anonymous gift or if you want your
named signed to the card.

Cards and charms will be mailed and names places on a special web
page. We'll do all the work for you, and can brighten someone's day
by letting them know you are thinking of them.

Happy Holidays
The Ferret Charmer & SOS

[Posted in FML 6174]