Dr. W & Totally Trish are retiring? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

:::::::running to Dr. W. and latching on to his leg:::::: 
Say it isn't so Dr. W. Don't leave me! It's all women around here. I
need another man around. 
:::sniffing in to Dr. W.'s pant leg::::
I love you and Trish, Dr W. how will I live  without you?
Tonks!!! Come here!! Let go of Dr.W's leg.
::::grabbing Tonks and sitting down with him to chat:::

Honey, it's time. I love Dr.W and Totally Trish as much as you do, But
they have worked hard to give us the best ferret food they can. (ask
April, hee hee). Now it's their turn to go out and weasel wardance.
While they won't be in the office everyday, we aren't losing them. They
will always be out friends and part of our hearts. We love them, and
they have taken good care of us. Now it's our turn to take care of them
and send them off with love. Now go say good bye to them and tell them
how much you love them.

K mommy, Um, Dr.W and Ms Trish? I loves you, and tank you for
All our best,
Tonks, Sticks, Hoops, Yoyo, Pandy and Robin

[Posted in FML 6145]