This is Susie Lee in, of and for The Ferret & Dove Sanctuary, Inc.
The main reason for this message is for both of us as well as all
the ferrets, doves, cats and et cetera to thank all the kindly folks,
mostly from this list!, who sent us wonderful cards of appreciation for
our shelter's ongoing work for ThanksGiving. Just the very day-before
we took in yet another ferret-waif grown old and delicate whom I've
gotten pics of but is not yet on our Petfinder's page, at least not
until he's put some much needed weight on his thinned bones and doesn't
get tired out after just a few happy bounces...he's a lovely old
chocolate mitt named George Of The Jungle Ferret (we'd already had a
George Washington Ferret and it was the first other "good-guy" George i
could come up with to "round out" his name with and keep it unique from
other george-named ferrets :) and also we've gotten notice from yet
another military family who will be surrendering their two ferrets this
coming weekend before their own transfer, which we have already managed
to make room for them.

Two are on the dietary insulinoma treatment (regular meals every
four hours thru most of the day with a six-hr night-time stretch
between their last meal and next-first one) until they might need the
prednisolone. We have some liquid-suspension prednisolone thanks to our
veterinarian calling in a prescription for this to our pharmacy in the
ferret's name to my account. This was a terrific brainstorm of an idea
suggested by the vet, himself because they can no longer get Pediapred,
so now we have what's basically the equivalent in a not-bad-tasting and
easy to measure and give formula for any of the ferrets that need it.

And that's the news from The Ferret & Dove Sanctuary, take care, all!

[Posted in FML 6168]