anybody gives their ferret pancrease? Is there a version that's tasty?
my ferrets Popcorn and Sorin, has stopped having diarrhea since being
on it, but Popcorn hates it, and is losing his appetite from stress of
anticipation on taking it. he can't stand it even when mixed with 1.5cc
of ferrettone.. right now I give him a bit of ferret tone, shoot some
down, he spits out a bit, pees on me, and then I give him some more
ferretone. twice a day. any ideas?

if you are in canada, the stronger clear tubes can be found at lee

the PU is slightly thicker than the PVC, but the PVC is already way
thicker than the normal ferret freeways. they do ship to the states.
if you are in the state, just look for a woodworking site.


[Posted in FML 6168]