Thank you very very much to the many people who wrote to me about the
danger to ferrets in California.

I passed on some of the replies to the person who thinks having a
ferret run outside her/his home in California is a nifty idea. I think
he/she is going to do it.

Many of you wrote rather lengthy messages that took time and thought.
You were experienced with the life threatening situation to a ferret
caught by the law in California. I pray your knowledge brings this
person to his/her senses.

I don't know what else I can do. It is obvious that being caught with
ferrets in your home is no "wink wink "joke. I just don't want to feel
like there was something I could have done but didn't.

My guess is that the ferrets are going to suffer. One of the people
involved already does not want the ferrets in the house. The person
has all white carpeting. You can imagine the stains on that. Who
would want that ruined? Yes. I think the ferrets will suffer.

But I thank YOU for your insight and wisdom. At least the parties
involved cannot pretend ignorance any longer.

But here is Thanksgiving Day:

I am thankful to Bill for guiding us through years of ferret love,
laughter, and anguish, rescues and raffles. I will never forget when I
could first write to others who loved ferrets. It was as though I was
blind and alone in darkness before I figured out how to get on the FML.
I read it for a year or more before I hired someone to show me what
to do.

Other aliens who love ferrets!!!!!!!!!!!

I am truly thankful to all of you.
Happy Turkey Day to all


[Posted in FML 6166]