OKay, got three clips from the DVD series I'm working on up on the
youtube site, www.youtube.com/ferretsymposium

These are just video clips of all the "fun" we had. So far there are
no "real" clips of the core event (lectures, shopping, awards, Q&A,
contests, etc). I wanted a clip here and there of the actual event
(inside the room) to be public on YouTube to inspire you all to come
to the next one. But that will have to come later.

For now, take a peek at a very special treat we got at the Hidey Hole
Ferret Shelter. Watch peoples faces.

Scarlet Gray gives attendees an eargasm demonstration while attendees
kick back at the shelter dinner:

Watch Ferret People take over the hotel!

Now that I have done my personal photos, public photos, bonus slideshow
movie, phone yt movies, reg youtube movies ... now i'm onto the real
deal. Finally.

I'm beside myself here because of the quality of the movies I took.
I have a good Sony hd camera that normally takes crisp movies with
stunning color. But that is not how these turned out. The symposium
movies taken in the lecture hall are terribly grainy and yellow. The
hotel in general had a dingy amber tone that was difficult on cameras.
In the actual main room, lights were kept low, and then turned down
further during lectures. Given the lit screen behind speakers ... well
it was challenging. I tried various settings, even nightshot. But the
viewer does not accurately show you what you'd get on a moniter or
television. So I was flying half blind. Perhaps if there is a next time
for me, I can run to a tv to moniter to test how the camera is set (if
there are jacks on a hotel tv). The movies are a lot better than
nothing, but still ... I had high, high expectations.

Another factor I did not consider. Excitement. I was very hyper and did
a bit too much zooming in and out for my taste. I also shook. How many
times does my son, Sean, have to tell me I can no longer hold a camera
with one hand? In the excitment, I forgot that I must use both hands
and concentrate every time. Thank goodness for the tripod I used during
all of the lectures!

Still, there are hours of recorded fun, festivities, shopping, mini
parties, award presentations, contests, reception and of course many
lectures. and surrounding activities that really give you an accurate
idea and feeling of what a Ferret Syposium is.

Wolfy ps, I'm still banging my head against the wall with researching
and trying to get clear YT movies. I've tried several diff software,
converters, and settings. If anyone has the key to the secret of why or
how a select few videos go up crystal clear, please fill me in. If you
are having worse luck than I, contact me and I"ll give you a list of
what I've tried and the results I have had to help you out.

Sean and Rocky,
Experience the love: 

[Aikidoferret, go check it out and see 
why Sean is one his biggest fans:

[Posted in FML 6166]