We had 3 solid wooden doors cut into indoor Dutch Doors. Now the washer
closet can be closed safely with us still having access to the drier so
the ferrets are safer, and when we have one who can defeat barriers we
can just close the bottom half of the Dutch doors. They are making life
much simpler.

In one case we had the door frame replaced and the door put going in
the other direction to eliminate a place the ferrets found to be the
perfect skinny potty place. They have much better elimination habits

Also, it turns out that almost all of them LOVE to swing the bottom
half of the Dutch Doors when those are open and when the sliding latch
doesn't have the tops and bottoms connected. Open, close, open, close,
open, close.

This is making me think that maybe we should replace the pantry door,
and wondering if it might be possible to work a window or two with
push up bars into the tops of new bathroom doors so there is privacy
but better air circulation and steam circulation when desired. Many
Victorian and Edwardian age homes in the NE used to have that feature
for bathroom doors. I can recall it in the homes of a number of older
family members.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6164]